Revealing The Truth - Destructive Manufacturing Processes & Dangerous Ingredients Found In Your Super Red Beet Juice Powder

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Below are two nationally recognized super red beet juice powder brands, but most brands have about the same ingredients.

Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pea) Super Red Beets Product Label

As stated above, beets in whole-food form contain vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. However, when companies try to turn these beets into beet juice powder, they may add artificial flavor, guar gum, malic acid, magnesium ascorbate, and stevia leaf (Rebaudioside A) extract. The problem is that all these ingredients contain reported adverse side effects and should never be found in beet juice powder or other health and wellness products.

Artificial & Natural Flavors(A) & (B) make the super red beets juice powder mix more palatable. Still, artificial and natural flavorings can cause nervous system depression, dizziness, chest pain, headaches, fatigue, allergies, brain damage, seizures, and nausea(1*).

Guar Gum(B) is made from legumes called guar beans and is frequently used as a food additive in many processed foods because it's soluble and can absorb water, forming a gel that can thicken and bind products - think of it as the glue that holds everything together.

In the 1990s, a weight loss product called "Cal-Ban 3,000" was sold containing a large amount of guar gum, which would swell up to 20 times its size in the stomach to promote fullness and weight loss(30*).

Unfortunately, it caused severe problems, including obstruction of the esophagus, small bowel, and sometimes even death. These dangerous side effects ultimately led the F.D.A. to ban guar gum in weight-loss supplements(30*).

Calban 3000
Click The Image To Play The Cal-Ban 3000 Commerical

Read The Report - FDA Bans Cal-Ban 3000
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If you have a soy allergy, you must avoid consuming guar gum. Guar gum is derived from the guar bean, which is a legume. Although guar gum does not contain soy, there is a risk of cross-reactivity between soy and guar gum proteins. This means that individuals allergic to soy may also experience allergic reactions when consuming guar gum. It is recommended to seek advice from a healthcare professional or allergist to understand the risks and guidance related to food allergies and potential cross-reactivity. 

Citric Acid

Malic(A) & Citric(B) Acid are flavor enhancers with a unique tart taste; however, the side effects have also been known to cause skin, eyes, respiratory and gastrointestinal irritation(2*), (3*).

Magnesium Ascorbate(A) makes your beet juice drink powder fizzier while providing a buffered vitamin C and essential magnesium source. The problem with using magnesium ascorbate is it can lead to an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea(4*).

Nopal Powder Capsules Stevia Leaf

Stevia Leaf(A) (Rebaudioside-A)(B)  comes from the stevia plant, which originates in South America. Steviol or Rebaudioside-A Glycosides are the primary components extracted from the stevia leaf. Extracts from these plants are used in stevia sweeteners to provide a sweet taste without calories in many foods and beverages and are 200-350 times sweeter than white table sugar, so only a tiny amount is needed.

While the use of Stevia is much better than white table sugar, the problem is that in 1991, the United States banned Stevia, citing concerns that it may cause cancer! The US brought it back in 2000 without the designation of G.R.S.A. “Generally Recognized as Safe”; therefore, Stevia is used at your health risk, just like cigarettes and tobacco products(5*).

Health Canada has not been able to provide a definitive opinion on the safety of retail foods containing stevia leaf because the available scientific data on its safety is considered incomplete(27*). For instance, some studies have suggested it can lead to male reproductive problems, interfere with metabolism, and cause genetic mutations(6*).

Now if all of those ingredients were not bad enough, what is even more shocking is the process of converting beets into juice crystals. During a revealing late-night infomercial, the host questions the guest about producing super red beet juice powder from whole, fresh beets. The shocking admission that follows exposes unsettling details about this process. The guest reveals that a special patented lightwave technology removes water from the beets, resulting in beet crystals. However, this "lightwave technology" is a microwave emitting harmful ultraviolet radiation. As you know, microwave ovens are known to have potential health risks.

Exposing the Truth: The Hidden Dangerous Ingredients In Your Super Red Beet Chews & Gummies

Are you aware of the ingredients lurking in your favorite super red beet chews and gummies? Let's delve into the facts:

Carnauba Wax: This glazing agent that gives the gummy its shine may lead to digestive discomfort, bloating, and diarrhea(*155).

Sugar Alcohols: Isomalt, Maltitol Syrup, Xylitol, and Erythritol are sweeteners that can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea(*156)

Glucose syrup and dextrose cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, which can be problematic for diabetics and those striving for stable blood sugar levels. High-sugar diets also increase the risk of heart disease and obesity; glucose syrup provides empty calories, leading to energy crashes.

Sodium Citrate is found in health and nutritional products; this preservative and flavor enhancer should be avoided by individuals with heart, kidney, or blood pressure issues(*157). Sodium can strain the cardiovascular system.

Very Little Beets: The product labels reveal that two chews or two gummies contain 500 mg of beet. Compare that to the nutritional powerhouse of a single beet, which can yield a generous 50 grams of nutrient-rich beetroot powder. In simpler terms, you would need to consume 200 chews or 200 gummies to match the nutritional value of just one beet.

Beware of Deceptive Beet Products: Don't fall for the marketing claims of beet juice powder, chews, and gummies. These products often lack essential nutrients and contain harmful additives that should be avoided. What's more, the actual beet content in these products is low. Choose fresh, whole beets for optimal nutrition and give your body the natural goodness it deserves. 

It is alarming that these "health and wellness" products are being sold. However, witnessing people purchasing and consuming them is even more astounding - are you?

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