Do You Want To Enjoy A Night Of Responsible Partying Without The Dreaded Hangover The Very Next Day?
You Can With Our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops!
Watch Our Nopal Powder Capsules Video
Watch Our Prickly Pear Drops Video

It Doesn't Have To Be This Way Once - You Know The Science Behind Hangovers
Alcohol is a diuretic which means it increases the amount of urine your body produces by expelling as much water as possible. If you do not replenish your body with more water, this will lead to dehydration, a hangover.
Dehydration causes fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting. Aside from the severe lack of water in your body, drinking alcohol irritates the stomach lining, relaxes the muscles of the lower esophagus (causing reflux), and has a depressing effect on brain cells (hence the lack of coordination, decreased response time, and dizziness). It also lowers your blood sugar, and if you are hypoglycemic can also leave you feeling weak.
So How Do You Prevent A Hangover Besides Not Drinking Alcohol?
The only surefire way not to get a hangover is to watch how much you drink (in moderation) and drink one 8-oz glass of alkaline water between each glass of alcohol. Also, get a good night's sleep after partying, as sleeping can help mitigate symptoms such as fatigue and headache from alcohol. It would be best to try to eat a meal before you start drinking, so your body doesn’t absorb the alcohol as quickly as it would on an empty stomach. In the morning, drink lots of water and eat something high carb and high sugar, such as toast with honey, to boost your blood sugar. Supplementing with nopal cactus (prickly pear) is another excellent option.
Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops Offers Clinically Supported Results For Hangovers
Nopal cactus (prickly pear) has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the symptoms of hangovers, especially nausea. A Tulane Health Sciences Center study had adults take 1600 IU of nopal cactus before drinking various liquor for several hours. They recorded biosamples and observed symptoms on a graded index.
The study found three symptoms reduced by an average of 2.7 points (on a scale of 0-6).
- Nausea
- Dry mouth
- Anorexia (loss of appetite)
Furthermore, the risk of enduring a severe hangover is reduced by half. The test subjects also had lower levels of C-reactive protein produced by the liver and linked to inflammation.
These results indicated that nopal cactus (prickly pear) effectively reduces hangovers' effects.
Click the images below for full size
Each bottle contains 120 easy-to-swallow vegetable capsules that can be easily pulled apart. The powder sprinkled on food, in your favorite cold beverage, or the vegetable capsule dissolved in any hot liquid. (See our nopal cactus capsules video at the top of this page for more information).
Click the images below for full size
We’re excited to introduce a convenient, on-the-go, sublingual liquid form of our Nopal Cactus (Prickly Pear), more concentrated than organic cactus pear juice. The sublingual delivery system under the tongue), ensures saturation of the mucous membranes, giving you MAXIMUM ABSORPTION and RESULTS.
1) You receive a ONE MONTH SUPPLY in each bottle ~ just one-HALF of the (included) eyedropper (1 ML) twice a day. Sublingual administration (oral saturation) provides a concentrated, faster delivery over our nopal capsules & prickly pear supplements.
***Shake the bottle well first, then squirt under the tongue and hold the liquid in your mouth for at least 30-45 seconds before swallowing***
2) You’ll enjoy the tart and surprisingly pleasant taste ~ just 2 calories per serving!
3) You’ll appreciate the ease of use when administering these beneficial drops to children, pets, and others with difficulty with prickly pear cactus capsules.
4) The stable shelf life allows storage without refrigeration, although chilling the bottle will enhance the flavor!
5) The lightweight, cobalt glass bottle prevents sunlight from affecting the drops. The 2 oz size makes it easy for travelers ~ ideally suited for the maximum liquid allowance per bottle when going through airport security!
6) Easy-to-Take Liquid Drops: No hard-to-swallow cactus nopal pills! Shake well before use. Take 1 mL (30 drops) 1 to 3 times daily, as needed or as a healthcare professional recommends. It can be taken directly by mouth or added to nopal cactus powder, nopal cactus water, or prickly pear cactus juice. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.
7) Convenient, potent on-the-go health anytime! We highly recommend taking our Prickly Pear Drops with our Freeze Dried Prickly Pear Cactus Powder Capsules to SUPERCHARGE your optimum health, and this is why we sell both of our products in a bundle at a discount.
Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops Other Benefits
Nopal cactus (prickly pear) can help protect against the potential long-term effects of alcohol(1*). As your body tries to break down alcohol, it produces free radicals that can damage your cells.
Nopal cactus (prickly pear) acts as an antioxidant, protecting proteins and lipids from damage while alcohol is broken down. It’s also been known to support the following:
- Digestive Health(2*)
- Immunity Support(3*)
The anti-inflammatory effects of nopal cactus (prickly pear) are also well known.
Not surprisingly, athletes have turned to prickly pear cactus to get more energy in the gym, reduce post-exercise muscle soreness, speed recovery, and reduce the chances of getting delayed onset muscle soreness(4*). Nopal cactus (prickly pear) has proven remarkably useful as an ergogenic recovery aide.
Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops Contain
Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), and Vitamin C, and these vitamins can help to reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue by boosting energy metabolism.
Thiamin (B1), or thiamine, is a vitamin that enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy and the breakdown of alcohol(5*). It is essential for glucose metabolism and is vital in nerve, muscle, and heart function(6*). Replenishing B1 in your system is critical to feeling your best and beating the dreaded hangover.
Riboflavin (B2) and Niacin (B3) help reduce tiredness and fatigue, which has been shown to support energy levels and cognitive health, giving you the energy boost you need after a big night out(7*).
Vitamin C will help detoxify the liver and protect the body against oxidative stress caused by alcohol toxins(8*).
Magnesium will help you rehydrate, removing that banging headache and dry mouth and making you feel more rejuvenated(9*). Scientists have also suggested that magnesium can help to break down the alcohol left in your body(10*), helping you to kick that hangover feeling faster.
Zinc is required by the enzymes that help to break down alcohol in your body(11*) so supplementing it in can help your body to fight that hangover. Plus, zinc boosts your immune system and helps to decrease inflammation in the body(12*).
Tyrosine is an amino acid responsible for transporting messages throughout the body. When you drink alcohol, your senses become numb because your body's ability to transmit neural messages becomes sluggish(13*). The Tyrosine in our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear Drops), will have those connections running smoothly in no time so that you can function normally.
Valine is an amino acid that helps to re-establish your muscular coordination after a night of drinking(14*). Let's be honest; we've all stumbled home after a good party.
Our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops contain a high amount of antioxidants and an even higher amount of fiber that will work to flush toxins out of your body(15*). This one is self-explanatory; fewer toxins mean fewer headaches, nausea, stomach pains, and other unpleasant symptoms associated with drinking.
But you don't have to take our word for it; see what some of our clients had to say:
"I Can Party All Night Without The Dreaded Hangover At Work The Next Day!"I tried your Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops for my post-party hangovers, and they worked! My friends have also started using them and swear by their effectiveness. I no longer stress about waking up with a headache the next day as long as I don't go overboard. James Watson, Seattle, Washington |
"Not A "Cure All" But Reduces The Hangover Effect!"Your Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops are not a cure-all, but they effectively reduce the effects of a hangover. It's like taking Tylenol for a mild headache – it can cure it but only alleviate symptoms of a severe migraine. For those who drink in moderation, your product will eliminate any after-effects of a hangover. However, for those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol, the product may not be as effective. I have personally tested both scenarios and can attest to these results. William Hoffman, Calgary Alberta |

Try Our Pure Alkaline Water Drops; In Combination With Our Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear Drops) For Better Alkalinity, Hydration, Protection, And Peace Of Mind
Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium can help you recover from a hangover as it supplies two important benefits: hydration and alkalinity. The painful headache caused by a hangover comes from dehydration, and the sick feeling of a hangover comes from the high levels of toxins in the intestines and bloodstream that come along with a hangover.
How Alkaline Water Works For Hangovers
Doctors in the emergency room treat alcohol poisoning by performing a procedure called alkaline diuresis(16*). The doctor gives the poisoning victim an intravenous bicarbonate solution. It saves the patient’s life by raising the urine’s pH, which helps the kidneys excrete toxic acids more efficiently.
Alkaline water also hydrates better and faster than plain water(17*), which helps correct the dehydration caused by drinking too much. the water’s alkalinity also helps balance out excessive acidity in the stomach, easing the upset stomach of a hangover.
Alkaline water helps the liver break down hydrogen peroxide(18*), which is the byproduct of the detoxification process used by the liver to break down alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant, excessive levels of hydrogen peroxide in the liver damage the liver. In a study performed on mice, alkaline water was shown to significantly reduce the oxidative damage done to the liver by the breakdown of alcohol(19*). While this study needs to be confirmed by further research, its findings suggest that alkaline water may be an effective means of reducing the damage done to the liver by alcohol consumption.
Drink one glass (8 oz) of Pure Alkaline Water between each glass of alcohol.
The coral calcium in our Pure Alkaline Water Drops may help the liver detox alcohol more efficiently. It would also dilute the concentration of alcohol and it’s digestive byproducts in the digestive tract. Staying adequately hydrated is vital to avoiding a hangover, and the best hydration comes from our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops.
Natural Home Cures Manufacturers Our Nopal Powder Capsules In A Fully Verified GMP (Good Manufacture Practice) & FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Facility
Natural Home Cures takes Purity & Potency seriously & follows Good Manufacturing Practices, including testing for:
Purity & Potency (HPLC FTIR, HPTLC:) Does the company from which you buy your nopal cactus (prickly pear) own their farms (or offer daily tours), as Natural Home Cures does? Or. are they getting their nopal cactus from a contract manufacturer, who gets it from a raw source vendor, who gets it from whoever offers them the best deal regardless of the Purity & Potency?
The easiest way to know if your nopal cactus (prickly pear) is Pure and Potent is to look on the product label to see if there are additives, fillers, colors, flavors, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cinnamon, or cayenne pepper, which should never be found in a health and wellness product like nopal cactus (prickly pear). As nopal is a superfood, all on its own. See our product label below.
Our nopal bottles are triple-sealed for your protection with a plastic seal on the bottle cap, a complete seal underneath the cap, & padded cotton filling inside the bottle.
Natural Home Cures Is A Fully Transparent & Accountable Company
Natural Home Cures tests our Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) For:
Microbiology (Biolumix): testing for the aerobic bacterial count, yeast, mold, Salmonella, E. coli, and more.
Heavy Metals & Metal Assays (ICP-MS) include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and more.
Full Transparency: Where other companies will tell you to take their word for it, Natural Home Cures proudly shows you this information.
Industry Regulations (FDA & FTC): Natural Home Cures complies with both Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines. These ensure that consumers can trust the label information and safety of our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules. All facets of supplement manufacturing, labeling, and marketing are covered by extensive regulations issued and enforced by the FDA and FTC.
Powerful, All-Natural, Hangover Support Can Now Be Sent Directly To Your Home Without A Doctor’s Prescription With Free Shipping!
There are four packages to choose from (the $49.95 Package & $69.95 Package Comes With a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee, and our $99.95 and $129.95 Packages Comes With a 120-Day Money Back Guarantee):
IMPORTANT: These four packages are for our first-time clients and is only available on our website or through our Toll-Free Order Line 1-888-800-5582. While you can purchase our products separately from various retailers and distributors - no one can offer you this package at this ridiculously low price and only for a limited time.
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Three-Step System For Effective Hangover Protection
Step 1 Consume Our Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Green Bottles): each bottle contains 120 capsules at 500 mg dosage size. You will consume two capsules two hours before you start drinking and one capsule every hour while drinking, followed by two capsules after drinking alcohol.
Step 2 Consume Prickly Pear Drops (Red - 2 oz bottle(s)): You will consume one-half eye dropper directly before and after you start drinking alcohol. For better results, consume our prickly pear drops each time you consume our nopal powder capsules. You squirt the liquid under the tongue, allowing a direct pharmacological route through the mucous membrane into your bloodstream for rapid diffusion.
Think of it like this; you need fuel to make your car run (Nopal Powder Capsules), and let’s suppose your car does 20 miles to the gallon on average. Still, the next time you fill-up, you decide to infuse your fuel tank with a powerful combustion catalyst (fuel additive), which is guaranteed to increase your mileage and burn the fuel more efficiently ~ this is what our Natural Home Cures Prickly Pear Drops (fuel additive), can do for your body ~ sublingual absorption guarantees immediate penetration and bioavailability of the superior benefits of our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules which in turn, allows for even quicker results – Guaranteed To Work or Your Money Back.
Step 3 Consume Our Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium (Blue Package) - There are 60 sachets in each package. Simply place one sachet in one gallon (4 liters) of water and drink throughout the day. When drinking alcohol, you should drink one glass (8 ounces) in-between each alcoholic drink. Proper hydration is key to avoiding being hungover.
The importance is not only to drink as much alkaline water as you can but to ensure you are consuming coral calcium, increasing your body's pH to a more alkaline state. The more alkaline you are, the less acidity or alcohol poisoning you will have in your body.
Our 100% Iron-Clad, No Questions Asked, Money-Back, Guarantee - So You Risk Nothing!
Try our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules & Prickly Pear Drops, and Pure Alkaline Water Drops without risking one red cent. It’s backed by a no-risk, ironclad, 100% money-back guarantee, and we guarantee this in 4 ways... GUARANTEE No. 1: The Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules, Prickly Pear Drops, and Pure Alkaline Water Drops is guaranteed to help stop your hangover dead in its tracks (when you use all three products together as directed) or your money back.
GUARANTEE No. 2: The Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules, Prickly Pear Drops, and Pure Alkaline Water Drops contain the highest quality, all-natural ingredients in precise, clinically tested dosages…or your money back.
If you are not thrilled with the new Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules, Prickly Pear Drops, and Pure Alkaline Water Drops or are in any way dissatisfied, return any unused and empty bottles within the time specified, and you’ll receive a full, 100% refund of the product price. No questions asked.
GUARANTEE No. 3: There is no auto-ship, nor do we store your credit card details - you order what you need and only when you need it. For security and peace of mind, you never have to worry about receiving more products than you requested; when you are ready to reorder, order online, or via the telephone, all major credit cards are accepted.
GUARANTEE No. 4: Shop Using Paypal & American Clients Can Take 6 Months To Pay With 0% Interest. For security and peace of mind, you can shop with Paypal. Thereby, we never receive your credit card details, and American Paypal members can take six full months to pay with 0% Interest.
Order Now & Receive Price Lock Guarantee With Free Worldwide Shipping
If you order today, you receive our 100%, No Questions Asked Price Lock Guarantee. You will always pay the same price when you need to refill your order.
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In all Other Countries, Free Shipping On Orders Over $50
For those who want to receive their orders faster, we also offer PRIORITY and EXPRESS Delivery. See below for those prices and transit times.
Delivery Times & Flat Rate Pricing
Express 3 Days - $39.95
Priority 5 Days - $19.95
Economy 10 Days - Free
Express 5 Days - $49.95
Priority 10 Days - $29.95
Economy 15 Days - Free
Worldwide (Excluding Canada or the United States)
Express 5 Mailing Days - $59.95
Priority 10 Mailing Days - $39.95
Economy 15 Mailing Days* - $19.95 OR FREE On Orders Over $50
Delivery Times are based on the day you placed your order, if before Noon Eastern Standard Time - 9 AM Pacific Standard Time, if ordering after that time, the delivery time clock starts on the next business day.
"Days" is an actual "Mailing Day" (Monday - Friday) and do not factor in weekends or statutory holidays. You will receive a tracking number emailed in all delivery options when your order is shipped.
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Enjoy A Night Of Responsible Partying Without The Fear Of The Dreaded Hangover's
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